A clubs website is their window to their community and I’ve seen too many bowling websites that lack good club information.  I started designing and developing code over 10 years ago so clubs can connect better with their communities and show case what their club is all about. This development will give your club the functionality it needs to have a dynamic website.  It is database driven that can record whatever clubs wish, whether it’s just the club championships and/or tournaments and galas. The database is also designed to store club information, such as members, club officials just to name a few.  The plugin could be further developed and modified for Centres use.

Club Membership:

Your club members information can be imported or exported to and from the website database in seconds.  The format uses Microsoft spreadsheet.  You can enter members manually to the database as well.  Also there is an online nomination form where potential new members can apply online to join your club.  The form is dynamic and puts the member directly into your db (database) with a pending status  and once they are approved at your executive meeting it’s just a click of a button to change from pending to which ever type of membership they have applied for.  You can add as many membership types as your club needs, both playing and non-playing membership categories.   There is a separate section where you can add other club’s members and casual players, the idea behind this is so other club members can enter your open tournaments and galas online.

Club membership information in your handbook or printed on sheets in the club house very quickly gets outdated. Because our plugin is a true database system it never is out of date this then allows members to access other members up to date contact information via a password protected page on your website. As a previous secretary of a bowling club I used to frequently get phone calls asking for different members contact information, since we have our members information online, these inquires have all but dried up.  There is report section where you generate all sorts of reports, the most important is an up to date of your membership for your Centre.

Club Events:

All types of events are now coded so they can be added to your database.  You can setup different types of events in a minute; these include roll up (you might want to record the aggregate results for the season), Club Championships, Galas and Tournaments.  You have the option of using only what you want to record, some clubs will just use the club championship feature whereas others that want outside bowlers to enter online will add tournament and gala events. It is hoped you will notice an increase in outside members playing at your club. Once an event is created it automatically appears on your website. Your members can now enter these events online. However in the backend interface your match committee or anyone with the correct website privileges can enter teams and players. Club Championships can either be a one life system (qualifying then post section), 2 life system or in some low number events a round robin or best of three. I’m confident the code is written for any type of event you can think of, this includes business house bowls.

Adding Results:

Adding results is very easy, you can even do it via a smart phone as the plugin will adjust to whatever screen size you are using.  Results can be in the format of shots scored and or wins and ends, depends on how you have configurated the event.  The results are instantly online so your members can see live results as they happen.  This adds to the overall club atmosphere, especially when members are away from the club and want to follow their mates progress in an event.  If the event has rounds then the results are shown in order of ranking, with 1st at the top.

Future Development:

Currently an honours board is in development. If there is enough demand a future functionality may include the ability to select you rep teams or any other feature that clubs request.

If you would like a login to take a closer look then text or ring me at 027 778 7768 (027 SUPPORT) or use the contact page.

Good bowling

Ralph Darcy Ballinger
Member: Kensington and Kamo Bowling Clubs

Ralph BallingerThis is a demo site for Bowling Clubs, it’s an Administration plugin which focuses on match committee tasks. It’s database driven, this means that clubs can run any type of events with live results online plus much more.